
Born 6-17-08, Skecher is the son of Rock-It.

His personality on course is similar to his

father’s, very spirited and ready to go. He has

won AKC Nationals twice, in 2013 and 2015.

He has been a member of the AKC European

Open team multiple times and has been on

the AKC World Team 3 times, in 2011, 2013,

and 2015. In 2011 he placed 2nd in Individual

Jumpers, and in 2013 he placed 2nd in

Individual Standard. He also has been a

finalist in USDAA, AKC and UKI many times

and won the AKC ISC class at Nationals. He is

MACH 5 and ADCH. He is always so fun to

run and I must be ready to “hang on”